We're The People: Church of the Good Groove
This month's curation for SoulandJazz.com combines songs that give focus and hope in these troubled times.
It’s been a hard week finding the right words to speak.
I’d put together the November edition of the Church of the Good Groove in early October just because I loved the songs—but when the playlist dropped this first week of November, the timing couldn’t have been more appropriate and inspired.
The songs I’d selected were a combination of songs nurturing an ethic of self-determination, love, empathy and understanding and a reminder of the importance of resistance and remaining centered in gratitude.
You can listen to this month’s Church of the Good Groove at the link below.
Beneath the playlist, you’ll find previous features that center on these themes. I pray they are food for your soul.
Listen here.
November Playlist
Eddie Kendricks   He’s a Friend   He’s a Friend   1976
Pilgrim Jubilee Singers   We’re The People   Singing in the Street   1978
Natalie Cole   Be Thankful   Thankful   1977
Merry Clayton   Glad Tidings   Gimme Shelter   1970
Sweet Spirit   Sinnerman (Where Will You Run)   Sweet Spirit   1974
Patrick Henderson   We’re Moving Up   This Is Love   1982
Gloster Willliams and Master Control   The Message   Praying Spirit   1979
Dony McGuire   Stop This Haulin’ Water   Inspiration   1981
Claude Jay   Love is the Answer   Sweet, Sweet Spirit   1985
Jessy Dixon   I’m Satisfied   It’s All Right Now   1977
B.C. & S.   Sunshine   The Gospel According to…   1976
Kenneth Wilson with The Celestial Voices of Greater Grace Temple P.A.W.
  I’ll Never, Never Give Up   Prepare to Meet Him   1979
LaMont Lenox and the Love Holiness Singers   He Won’t Let You Down   I’m for Christ   1979
My favorites on this list Jessy Dixon I’m Satisfied, love those male background vocals; Sweet Spirit Sinnerman, love those ladies harmonies; and Eddie Kendrick He’s a Friend oh how ai love dancing to that song.
Thanks for those great musical memories Tim!
Thank Goddess for you and the Church of the Good Groove!